Xin phần mền I-DEAS 12

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Ðề: Xin phần mền I-DEAS 12

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Ðề: Xin phần mền I-DEAS 12


I have a free moment, i would like to talks you that

Ideas is not developped only maintained ,
Siemens corporates makes now strong effort on NX products
after 4 billions dollars to buy UGS comagny.
Ideas is strong for CAE experienes(40 years) first class product for design offices
in great compagnies(any great as you imagine boeing,toyota...)
Designers create the products(Cads models) and requets somme elementaries computations on products
to be sure safe. Ideas is used as 'Avanced simulations' for this request, the reason is quick and cheaper.
Cae people has to do things clean CAEs models,Meshing, compute
with models solution, NX,Msc Nastran, or abaqus
(Ansys is a not at level, used only in multiphysics or energies sectors,
codes developped are contributes by the youngs PhD no industrial qualities).
Ideas is not good when cleaning CAds models for Meshing, but it's best in meshing and
pre,post prcessing results after ' advanced computation'
NX,Catia are goods for cleaning models but aren't good for meshing and for 'avanced computaion'
required by designers
Cae Engineers has to 3 to 5 years experiened
Note that Siemens corporate now desengae the energies sectors and invest to the future
propre enegies(Please see Siemens corporates announces) the idustrials products will be taxed
if they are not be produced with less CO2 emisson



Ðề: Xin phần mền I-DEAS 12

Phần mềm bán nhiều. quán bán ở Tạ Quang Bửu giao với Đại Cồ Việt ý. Nhưng giáo trình tìm mãi mà không thấy. Những người giảng dạy trong NISSAN có giáo trình nhưng không công bố, không cho tài liệu. Là người Việt Nam cứ giấu nghề vậy thì ngành thiết kế bao giờ mới phát triển được, cứ để bọn Nhật nó đè đầu.
Ðề: Xin phần mền I-DEAS 12

Hello KHAI1980

i have to response to your question

-first, i'm not cae ingineer, but i have a opportunity to see how they work
fromm 400 US per day to 700 US per day, and i don't have any documentation about Ideas
Ideas is still useful to do the meshing and very important post processing
(any opttion an visualizer which help stress engineers to analize and represent the results).

-second,japanese knowlege is not important,
it's important that we earn each month, someday if we have world dwilde classe corporations
same as japanese's toyota,mitshubishi etc... we have a other view points.

-third, Pathetique is the good people to request expertise about the finite element



Ðề: Xin phần mền I-DEAS 12

Không biết mua trên mang amzon như thế nào nhỉ? Tiếng Anh cũng được.


Ðề: Xin phần mền I-DEAS 12

Có ai chụp ảnh trộm tài liệu dạy NX I - DEAS 12 của bọn NISSAN không nhỉ?Chụp nó không biết đâu. Điện thoại chụp được mà.