Catia V5R19 Learning !!!

Dưới đây mình xin giới thiệu với các bạn những vấn đề khá hay khi bạn làm việc với Catia. Mong các bạn đừng comment để chủ để được liên tục

Bài 1:
Cách thiết lập môi trường cho Catia khi khởi động. Khi các bạn khởi động catia thì phải đợi một hồi lâu vì catia phải khởi động 1 môi trường mặt định (Môi trường Product) như vậy quá mất thời gian và không cần thiết. Để tắt chế độ đó các bạn làm như sau:
- Bước 1: Theo đường dẫn sau để mở file text lên:
- Bước 2: Thêm vào những setting sau_rồi khởi động lại catia. Mình chỉ tìm hiểu được một số cái cần thiết. Nếu bạn nào biết thêm xin đóng góp nha:

CATLM_ODTS=1 - Disable license error messages at startup
L_WILSON_LAN=1 - Access to Wilson's spline curves
CGM_ROLLINGOFFSET=1 - Access to the Rolling Offset option in GSD
TAILLE_MEMOIRE_CHOISIE=1 - Optimize IGES export memory
CATNoStartDocument=no - Disable product at startup
CNEXTBACKGROUND = no - Disable sky background at startup
CNEXTSPLASHSCREEN = no - Disable display of planet at startup
SHOW_CST_CHILDREN = 1 - Display stresses in the parents specification tree in sketcher
CNEXTOUTPUT = console - Display Catia's logs in command windows
MM_NO_REPLACE = 1 - Associativty about replacement of components cloned with different

Best regard !
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Ðề: Catia V5R19 Learning !!!

Hybrid design!
Informations about hybrid design in catia V5R16-->V5R20

=========== Tree structure
If Hybrid OFF, solids will be stored in the folder "Part-body" while surfaces/curves will be in another folder "Geometrical set". On the tree, you can see both folders.
If Hybrid ON, solids/Curves/surfaces all will be stored in "part-body", which is like Solidworks

============ Parent Features Keep/ not Keep
Suppose i create an Extrude surface, then trim a hole on this surface....
If Hybrid OFF, we have two surfaces, the trimmed surface in SHOW area and the original untrimmed Extrude surface in NOSHOW area.
If Hybrid ON, we only have one surface, the trimmed surface. The original surface is "ABSORDBED", as Solidworks does

============ Features Grouping
If Hybrid OFF, all features in a Geometrical set can be moved into another Geometrical set anytime. The ordering is not important. It is useful to hide a group of features (maybe some surfaces with some curves)
If Hybrid ON, we cannot move a surface into a Geometrical set because the tree ordering is important. To hide a group of features, first define a "SELECTION SET" and then hide the selection set. This concept is like Layering in UG/ Autocad.

============ Features Re-use
If Hybrid OFF, all parent surfaces will be kept and can be found in NOSHOW area. We can re-use them anytime
If Hybrid ON, first "ROLL BACK" the tree, just under the parent surface, then "EXTRACT" it to duplicate one more for another feature.


Environment in Hybrid design: Please download this file: ENVIR_HYBRID
If you don't understand all of them. please let me know!
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