Maintenance Pack 1 for NX 8.0.0


giờ mới lấy được link xong.

Date: 27 October 2011
Subject: Maintenance Pack 1 for NX 8.0.0
To: All users of NX 8.0.0
From: The Siemens PLM NX Team
bản NX các bạn đang dùng chỉ là bản NX version 8.0 thôi ( NX Version 8.0 | Release September 2011) . đây là bản update cho nó. :65:
32 bit
64 bit

để cho ko có lỗi xảy ra ngoài mong muốn thì nên cái NX mới -> update -> xxx
have fun! ^.^

đây là các lỗi được fix, bạn nào ko bị các lỗi này trên máy thì khỏi update chi cho mất thời gian :103:

Release PR Number Problem Description
MP1 1857432 6575675 The problem in NX Open Java where jar file handles were not released is fixed.
MP1 1859095 The problem in Motion where motion simulation did not work correctly with the RecurDyn solver is fixed.
MP1 1866242 1866402 The problem in Advanced Simulation where geometry update was failing is fixed.
MP1 1866900 The problem where running an NXOpen.Net Journal caused the error "Invalid NX signature found" is fixed.
MP1 1867753 The problem in Electrode Wizard where the Create Box command was not available is fixed.
MP1 2176022 The problem where the partial loading of an assembly with PMI data which referenced geometry that no longer existed in a sub-component caused an error is fixed.
The problem where loading an assembly with PMI data which referenced geometry in an unloaded sub-assembly caused an error is fixed.
MP1 6550403 The problem where Human Modeling did not work after running a custom NX Open API which also called a Python 2.5 application is fixed.
MP1 6582972 6583074 The problem where the NX Shape Search was missing the 3-digit prefix in the username and the display thumbnails did not appear in the preview window is fixed.
MP1 6583444 6598439 The problem in Advanced Simulation where an Abaqus model failed to import due to multiple *HEADING keywords in the main deck and included decks is fixed.
The problem in Advanced Simulation where an Abaqus deck was imported with incorrect steps is fixed.
MP1 6588676 1864107 1864347 1865119 6588699 The problem in Manufacturing where creating a tool caused an error when an ug_isv_full license was not available is fixed.
MP1 6589887 The problem in Mold Wizard where multiple tree list items could not be selected in Part Name Management is fixed.
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